Falls Prevention

Falls prevention classes are suitable for individuals lacking confidence in their balance and stability and may have experienced recent falls in the community.

Nearly 1 in 3 older Australians have experienced a fall in the past 12 months. Falls can happen to anyone but are a particular concern to older Australians due to the increased risk of serious injury that can occur as the result of a fall. If serious injury doesn’t occur, the older person loses their confidence which can lead to a fear of falling which negatively impacts their quality of life. 

Older Australians who don’t often engage in physical activity and keep fit often have poorer balance and weaker muscles which further increases their likelihood of having a fall and being injured. 

Our Exercise Physiologists run falls prevention classes that aim to strengthen the main muscles involved in maintaining balance. With expert supervision and through static and dynamic balance exercises, as well as light resistance exercises, individuals will be able to improve their balance and ultimately gain more confidence with mobilising independently.

Benefits of falls prevention classes:

  • Improves ankle stability – useful when mobilising on slippery or uneven surfaces
  • Improves hip stability – useful in maintaining a low centre of gravity
  • Improves stepping strategy – useful when recovering from a slip or loss balance

An assessment with one of our exercise physiologists can be requested here. Alternatively, you can make a referral for our exercise physiology services here.

Sources: ‘Falls and the elderly‘ by healthdirect.